Dave Skylark (James Franco) is a successful celebrity who hosts the talk show Skylark Tonight, supported by producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen). They soon realise that North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-Un (Randall Park) is a huge fan of Skylark's show and an eventual interview with him would be a smashing hit. Their wish is granted by Kim Jong-Un and a journey in the communist regime is coming. However, the CIA wants these showmen to do what the USA dreamed of doing since 1953: to bring down the regime. Will they ever be able to murder one of the most powerful man in the world?
Directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (This is the end), the film adopts a satirical tone with a lot of parody to the espionage genre and a noticeable critique to the USA and North Korea. Everyone is stupid; everyone thinks about sex and drugs and...living a life of grotesque grandeur where the overconsumption of nearly EVERYTHING is a must. If you accept the tone, you will laugh. If you are bored with easy jokes and a foreseeable script, forget this movie.
We valued the concept of making fun of two political regimes which proclaims principles of freedom and the other one, of equality. Franco and Rogen by making fun of North Koreans, they make fun of themselves and what they represent. Each side has something to say but they are all affected by their ludicrous nature. Don't expect a masterpiece, we are far from it.
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